Seasickness Capsules NZ

Exclusive to Harts Pharmacy are our seasickness capsules which we manufacture ourselves.

Currently available but only on prescription from a doctor.

If you would like further information we can send a fact sheet to your email. Go to our Contact Page

They are considered to be an extremely effective formula and for most people, non-drowsy.

The formula is along the lines of the Pahia Bomb and another excellent pill,Blue Seas. Available in-store, conditions apply.

From Kawau Island to the far reaches of the Pacific, we have been told many times by customers that they are the best!



We each have thousands of tiny breathing tubes in our lungs that carry air. Asthma is caused when the linings of the breathing tubes swell and become inflamed, narrowing so that less air is able to pass through making it harder to breathe. Mucus (phlegm) may clog the insides of the tubes and the muscles tighten around the tubes.

Asthma sufferers tend to be extra-sensitive to things in their environment that can trigger an asthma attack. It can be anything from:

  • Colds and flu
  • Stress
  • Inhaled allergens such as pollen, house or dust mites, animal hair, and moulds
  • Foods and preservatives
  • Certain medicines
  • Exercise
  • Changes in temperature
  • Smoking

Knowing what triggers your asthma and knowing how to avoid those triggers is important in controlling asthma attacks.

Symptoms of an asthma attack can be:

  • Coughing, especially at night or after exercise
  • Wheezing – due to difficulty in air being forced through narrowed airways
  • Tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing

For mild asthma sufferers (people with occasional symptoms), treatment is usually in the form of an inhaled short-acting reliever medication

For people who frequently get asthma or have more severe symptoms, you may need regular preventive therapy as well as sometimes using the short-acting reliever to control wheezing.

There are many medicines that can help with asthma symptoms. Your doctor will prescribe you what is best for you and your situation.

What is a face primer for?

What is a face primer for?

A face primer is used after moisturizer and before you apply your foundation. It provides a base for your foundation makeup to go onto and helps to mask the appearance of pores and fine lines. A primer will help your foundation makeup to go on more evenly and be longer lasting.

I can recommend the Innoxa Silk Skin Primer. I have been using it for over a week now and I think that it does help to give my foundation makeup a smoother appearance. It is silky smooth to apply so feels gentle and soft on my skin. It gives my skin a silky finish but a matte appearance so it’s not shiny. I’ve just had a significant birthday and shiny is not good for highlighting “fine lines”! 

Staff Opinions

Other comments from our staff about the Innoxa Silk Skin Primer are “Yes its a fantastic primer” and “It helps my makeup to stay on all day”

Thought for the Day

Makeup is not the most important thing in life but it can help us to feel well-groomed, professional and the best version of ourselves.It can also be taking a healthy interest in ourselves and having a bit of fun.

Harts Pharmacy – Better Health for Better Live

Why use an Aluminium Free Deodorant?

Why you should consider using an Aluminium Free Deodorant

Over the years working in our pharmacy I have had many customers who have asked me ” Why use an Aluminium Free Deodorant?”The answer is that  Aluminium is often the main ingredient in antiperspirants. Some studies have shown this may increase health risks for cancer and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Aluminum can also irritate the underarm skin and cause dermatitis.

Obviously, some people perspire more than others so it is a personal preference whether the Aluminium Free Deodorants will be effective for different individuals. It may be a process of trying a few different brands.

Brands we can recommend

Brands that have been around for a long time and we have very good feedback from customers are 

Innoxa Free & Easy Aluminium Free Deodorant – available as a Roll-on. 

Crystal Deodorant – available in a stick(excellent for travel), roll-on or spray.

Naked QV  – Fragrance-Free and Aluminium-Free Roll-on.

Weleda Deodorant – Available in Citrus or Wild Rose fragrances.

Sukin Deodorant – spray.

In Harts Pharmacy we have a good range of Aluminium Free Deodorants and I am currently getting these onto our website to purchase also. 

Thought for the day

We live in a world where there are too many toxins, chemicals and pollutants around us. Being informed about possible health issues and how to deal with them is up to us as individuals.

Harts Pharmacy – Better Health For Better Lives


Tell me about sinus rinse kits


A sinus rinse kit is an updated version of an old-fashioned remedy the Neti pot.It can work very effectively to help clear nasal sinuses of mucous congestion and bacterial buildup. It is a bottle that you fill with tepid water and you add 1-2 specially formulated sachets. Gently shake the bottle to mix up the solution. Lean over a basin, and squeeze the sinus rinse bottle to flush each nostril several times. The sensation is similar to having water rush up your nose when you’ve jumped into a pool – I know! It sounds awful but it is worth it, your nasal sinuses will be clearer and you can breathe better afterward. Gently blow your nose after some flushing with the solution to clear nasal passages.


You can do a sinus rinse morning and evening to help clear your sinuses.

It can be helpful for people using a medicated nasal spray to treat sinus inflammation and congestion locally. Do a sinus rinse to clear the sinuses, wait 10 minutes then use your medicated nasal spray. The nasal spray can now reach the site easily and works more effectively.


It can be beneficial for people who have blocked and congested nasal sinuses due to hay fever, colds, or asthma. Sinus rinse kits can be helpful to use along with medicated nasal sprays, antihistamines, and other medications to help clear nasal congestion.


It is not suitable for people who have had recent nasal surgery unless advised by a specialist. Or when nasal passages are completely blocked,a person has an ear infection, or if a person experiences pain and/or irritation when using the nasal rinse.


We have had very positive feedback from our customers and some have found the sinus rinse kits life-changing! Being able to breathe better and ease nasal congestion has helped improve their health and they can enjoy everyday life more.

Of course, this information is of a general nature and not intended to be specific to each person. Discuss using a sinus rinse kit with your pharmacist/doctor and find out whether it could work for you.

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